Blond female in swimsuit looking and acting sort of sexy and sultry and lusty. Scenes from Morro Bay, CA beach 21 June 2008, originally uploaded by mikebaird.
Blond female posturing in swimsuit looking and acting sort of sexy and sultry and lusty. Scenes from Morro Bay, CA beach next to Morro Rock on the first day of summer 21 June 2008 where temperatures ranged up to 85 degrees F - the sun was very intense burning many but it was easily dismissed due to the cool winds. This set features people of all shapes and sizes, many with interesting tattoos. Beach visitors were mostly a part of a wholesome family unit. Lots of children and couples. Ideal beach environment with no obnoxious people or mis-behavior to speak of. Not shown was the ample surfing activity. Photo by Michael "Mike" L. Baird bairdphotos.com 1D Mark III 100-400mm IS + 1.4X TE handheld (I should have brought my polarizer).
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